Terms of use

Terms of use

#Epiplobelekoukias #SafeShopping
Terms of use

Το epiplobelekoukias.gr είναι ένα ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα (καλούμενο στο εφεξής «ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑ») πώλησης επίπλων και ειδών διακόσμησης και αποτελεί ιδιοκτησία της μονοπρόσωπης επιχείρησης “ΜΠΕΛΕΚΟΥΚΙΑΣ ΦΩΤ. ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ” (καλούμενη στο εξής «ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗ»), η οποία εδρεύει στην Αμαλιάδα Ηλείας, Τ.Κ 27200, Τηλ. 697 399 0466, ΑρΓΕΜΗ: 47517825000 | ΑΦΜ:071551126 της ΔΟΥ Αμαλιάδας.

The services of the SHOP shall be provided in accordance with these terms of use and privacy policy of confidentiality, which is an integral part of these terms. The visitor, on entering the "SHOP" must read these terms carefully. The COMPANY may at any time amend these terms of use. And the visitors / users have the responsibility to periodically check if there have been changes to these terms of use. The use of the e-SHOP after the above mentioned modification shall be deemed to be acceptance of the terms of use, as amended. In case of NON-acceptance of any term use, it expressly PROHIBITED the use of the e-SHOP.

1. Information & products

The STORE is committed to the quality, completeness and accuracy of the information listed on the website of the epiplobelekoukias.gr, both in terms of the exact items you are exposed to and provided by the e-shop of the services, without prejudice to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be predicted or occur unintentionally or interruptions of the operation of the site on grounds of force majeure.

2. Limitation of liability

The STORE is not responsible to the customers / users for any damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of their order. It also reserves the delivery time of the goods in cases of force majeure. The SHOP is no guarantee can be provided for the availability of the product and the time of their construction, but guarantees the timely update of the final consumer on the non-availability or time of manufacture. The STORE provides the content (e.g. information, names, pictures, illustrations), products and services available through the website on an “as is”. In any case the STORE (and hence the BUSINESS) will not be liable for any legal claims or civil and/or criminal nature, nor for any damage (direct, special or consequential, which illustrative and not restrictive, and / or a/and cumulative consists of loss of profits, data, loss of profits, financial satisfaction, etc.) the visitors of the website or third reason has to do with the operation or not and/or use of the website or/and the inability to provide services or/and information available from it or/and any unauthorized third party interventions in products and/or services and/or information available through this.

3. Transaction security

The SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) is now a global internet standard for the certification of websites (websites) to internet users and for the encryption of data between internet users and web servers (web servers). An encrypted SSL communication requires all information sent between a client and a server to be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, protecting personal information during transmission. In addition, all information sent via SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically verifies if such data have been changed while transferred.

The SSL certificate for the epiplobelekoukias.gr has been issued by the certification company let's Encrypt Authority X3.

In addition, personal safety is the password you provide when you become a registered user of epiplobelekoukias.gr. To present any of your personal information should first be given the username and password. For this reason, you must keep these items for you don't risk to fall into the hands of a third party. You are also advised to create a password using symbols along with alphanumeric characters.

End to remind that the credit card information is not stored in the storage media of the company during the transaction but are recorded directly in the safe environment of the affiliated bank, Eurobank, which has taken over the launch of the card.

All transactions made through the epiplobelekoukias.gr governed by the International and European law that regulates issues relating to electronic commerce, as well as the Law on consumer protection (law. 2251/1994), which regulates issues relating to distance selling.

All of your transactions with our store are protected by modern security systems which guarantee a secure transaction environment. 

4. Product market

In the market, and the completion of the order, the user is guided step-by-step instructions from the automated system. The order will be filed. With the completion of the order, the user will receive by email a message to confirm the receipt of the order. Also, the STORE has the right to contact the user by phone to confirm the order. If during the execution of the order, an error occurs with the responsibility of the SHOP, the latter has the obligation to rectify the mistake.

5. Prices of products sold

The prices listed next to each product as a final price includes the statutory VAT. The prices do not include shipping costs. The total cost (including shipping cost) will be confirmed when completing the order.

6. Λανθασμένη τιμή ή χαρακτηριστικά προϊόντος

Στο epiplobelekoukias.gr λαμβάνονται όλα τα απαραίτητα τεχνικά  και αναγκαία μέτρα για σωστή πληροφόρηση περιεχόμενου. Το epiplobelekoukias.gr επιφυλάσσεται ρητώς ως προς τυχόν λανθασμένη αναγραφή τιμής από παραδρομή που οφείλεται  σε ανθρώπινο ή τεχνικό παράγοντα.

Επιπλέον, στο epiplobelekoukias.gr χρησιμοποιείται μηχανισμός Caching στο περιεχόμενο των σελίδων και ενδέχεται να αναφέρεται διαφορετική τιμή, διαθεσιμότητα ή και άλλο περιεχόμενο σε σχέση με τη σελίδα του καλαθιού. Η διαφορά που μπορεί α προκύψει  μεταξύ των σελίδων έχει διάρκεια μερικά λεπτά της ώρας. Για να είστε πάντα σίγουροι για τυχόν αλλαγή τιμής θα πρέπει να λαμβάνεται υπόψη την τιμή που υπάρχει στο καλάθι και κατά τη διαδικασία πριν την πληρωμή και ολοκλήρωση αυτής. Σε περίπτωση που αφήσετε προϊόν στο καλάθι σας για αρκετή ώρα και το επισκεφτείτε ξανά αργότερα, η τιμή των προϊόντων θα ανανεωθεί αυτόματα σύμφωνα με τα τρέχοντα δεδομένα.

In the event that a product presents an unusually low price, without any specific indication to justify this, please contact us before order the product.

7. Right of withdrawal

Εάν είστε φυσικό πρόσωπο (καταναλωτής) και η αγορά σας προορίζεται για προσωπική χρήση κι όχι για την εξυπηρέτηση της ατομικής σας δραστηριότητας, τότε δικαιούστε να υπαναχωρήσετε εντός 14 ημερολογιακών ημερών, επιστρέφοντάς μας το προϊόν. Το δικαίωμα υπαναχώρησης ισχύει εφόσον το προϊόν βρίσκεται στην αρχική του κατάσταση και η επιστροφή γίνεται με δικό σας μέσο και κόστος εντός 14 ημερολογιακών ημερών από την ημέρα της υπαναχώρησης (είτε το επιστρέφετε εσείς, είτε το αποστέλλετε με κάποιο μεταφορέα). Εφόσον εγκριθεί η επιστροφή,  θα σας επιστρέψουμε στο σύνολό  του το τίμημα που έχετε καταβάλει για τη συγκεκριμένη αγορά, με τον ίδιο τρόπο που το έχετε εξοφλήσει.

Terms and conditions for the exercise of the right of Withdrawal: The right of withdrawal you can practice within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the product in order to be punctual and don't need some extra explanation from you.

In case of a valid exercise of the right of withdrawal provided for the return is that the product is in its original condition, intact packaging and include all accessories, any free gifts, accompanying products and materials.

Exceptions of the Right of Withdrawal: The right of Withdrawal does not apply to the cases excluded from the legislation and case-law, such as products are manufactured for you with your own specifications (dimensions, colors, etc.), services that have already been carried out, products that are not suitable for return for reasons of health if they have been unsealed, etc.

In the case that the reason of your return pertains to a company's error, we undertake to cover the cost of returning the product, provided that the return has been made with the courier company that will draw attention to it.

8. Legal guarantee

Sellers products are obliged to guarantee to consumers that their products comply with the relevant contract of sale for a period of two years after the delivery of the product.

Therefore, if you are a consumer (in accordance with the Directive 1999/44/EC and the law. 2251/1994 "Consumer Protection", as in force after the modifications) and the product has any defect which existed at the time of the delivery and is displayed in the space of two years from the delivery of the product, you have the right to request:

The free repair or replacement of the product within a reasonable time and without charge

Appropriate price reduction or withdrawal from the contract if it was not possible to repair or replacement of the product or if the repair or replacement of the product is not possible within a reasonable period of time.

Unless proved otherwise, any lack of conformity which occurs within six months of delivery of the product shall be presumed that existed at the time of delivery unless this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or the nature of the lack of conformity.

The legal guarantee of 2 years are not affected in any way from the commercial warranty offered by the manufacturer of the product.

9.Order cancellation 

It is possible to cancel your order before sending/receiving the product – canceling is possible by telephone contact on the phone 2622025860 or 6973990466.

You will need to provide us with a bank account (quote only via e-mail of the iban, the name of the recipient and the bank, which is the subject of) in order to proceed to refund within 2-5 working days.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms of use, the use of the e-SHOP as well as transactions through, are governed by Greek Law. In the event, during which one of these terms is held to be invalid or cancelable, the invalidity or cancellation this will not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions. Responsible for the resolution of any dispute which may arise from the use of the e-SHOP or relating to the interpretation or application of these terms of use or on the occasion thereof, are the Courts of Amaliada.